

Monday, October 15, 2012

October Curriculmn

NO SCHOOL: Fall Break Monday October 1-Thursday October 4th

Week One - October 8-11
Topic:  Letter F, Frogs and Farmers
Number focus:5
Color focus: Black
Shape focus: Triangle

Week Two - October 15-18
Topic:  Letter G, giraffe (soft G) and gorilla (hard G)
Number focus:5
Color focus: Black
Shape focus: Triangle
Book: Goldilocks and The Three Bears

Week Three - October 22-25
Topic: This week we will discuss the fall season
Number focus: 6
Color focus: Black
Shape focus: Triangle

Week Four - October 29-Nov. 1st
Topic: Letter H, horses and Halloween
Number focus: 6
Color focus: Black
Shape focus: Triangle

We are having our fall presentation this month. Our presentation is right after school at 12:00pm, it will be about 15 minutes long. Students are encouraged to wear/ bring a costume for our costume parade. Please  bring a goodie (pencil, sticker or candy) for each student in the class, we will have a "trick or treat" activity to hand out after the program.

Monday/ Wednesday class party/presentation is on Wednesday October 31st at 12:00pm. There are 10 students in the class.

Tuesday/Thursday class party/presentation is on  Tuesday October 30th at 12:00 pm. There are 15 students in the class.