

Monday, January 28, 2013

February Fun!

Week one: February 4-7th
Topic: Letter P is for pajamas and pancakes. We will also talk about pigs.
Students are encouraged to wear their pajamas to school and to bring their favorite stuffed animal!
Number focus: 13
Color focus: Pink
Shape focus: Heart
Book: "If You Give a Pig a Pancake."

Week two: February 11-14
Topic: Letter Q is for Queen of Hearts.
Number focus: 13
Color focus: Pink
Shape focus: Heart
We will have a valentines performance right after school at 12:00. Parents and siblings are invited to attend.  Please have your child bring a valentine for each student, we will exchange them after the performance. We will have a special visit from our friendly Queen of Hearts!!

Week three: February 18-20 No school on Thursday the 21st
Topic: Letter R is for rodeo!.
Number focus: 14
Color focus: Pink
Shape focus: Heart
We are going to have a rootin tootin good time y'all so make sure your little buckaroos don't miss this romping rodeo, Yeehaa!!

Week four: February 25-28th
Topic: Arizona and the five C's
Number focus: 14
Color focus: Pink
Shape focus: Heart
Arizona's birthday is actually February 14th, but we didn't want to take away from the holiday of friendship and love so we are celebrating its' birthday a couple of weeks later. Arizona will be 101!