

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Preschool Open House

Preschool Open House was on Thursday. We had a great time! The students were met at the door with a Kokopelli, they followed the pictures to find the classroom.

Once they made it to the classroom they were given a scavenger hunt list. Each student located the craft table, back pack cubby center, circle time center, toy center, bathroom, outside play station, and drinking cup location. When they completed thier scavenger list they got to choose a toy out of the Treasure Chest! Some kids chose Play dough.

After the scavanger hunt each student decorated their own paint shirt. Some students chose to have their names written on their shirts, some painted their hands and others drew pictures to decorate them. It was great to have parents there to help create (and help clean up).

After the craft activity, students played at the car center, some played at the dress up area and others spent time in the kitchen center.

Everyone went outside to the play and have a slice of yummy watermelon.

It was a great open house. School starts Thursday September 2nd. Can't wait to see you all there!