

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Science Experiment

For the letter "I" we talked about ice. For our science segment we discussed how ice is made and how it melts. We talked about what a prediction is. Each child predicted if the ice would melt fastest in water, salt or by itself.

5 children predicted that the ice would melt the fastest in water.
6 children predicted that the ice would melt the fastest in salt.
1 child predicted that the ice would melt the fastest by itself.

The ice melted fastest in water. The second fastest was the ice melting in salt. The slowest was ice melting by itself.

It was fun to watch the children as they patiently waited to see what would happen. We also had a good time using tongs to transfer ice from one bowl to another, it was slippery but the children really got the hang of it working on their dexterity skills.