

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

There are a couple of things to note:

· School is closing for winter break and will reopen on Tuesday January 4th.

· School hours are from 9:00 to 11:30. Students can be dropped off 5 minutes before 9 and need to be picked up by 11:35. I will have a stop and go sign in the front yard to signal when school is open. The red light means we are still preparing for our fun activities. Green light means come on in!

· Tuition is due the first day of class each month. I will post a reminder sign on the front window on the day that tuition is due. Please be prompt with your payment to avoid a visit from “Vinnie and Guido.” J Seriously though, I will charge $5.00 for each class that the payment is late to help encourage prompt payments.

· I appreciate you sharing your children with me, I have enjoyed watching them learn and grow. On Tuesday each of the children recited the Pledge of Allegiance individually, I was thrilled at how well they did! We will be focusing on how to sign it next semester. The children are also doing great with their alphabet recognition and we will be working on the alphabet phonics.

· I want to thank Mrs. Robin for being my helper this semester! She was an enormous help and I know that the children enjoyed working with her. Thanks again Robin! Next semester Mrs. Emily will be the classroom helper. She will be a great addition to the KKP classroom.

See you next year!

Mrs. Lesley