

Monday, September 5, 2011

September Curriculum

Things to note: Please send your child with their Alphabet Journal (their green or orange folder). Taking their folder every class day is great practice for when they go to kindergarten and are responsible for a communication folder.

September 7th or 8th: Since this a short week we will again be talking about the letter Aa, our number focus will be 3 and our shape will again be a triangle. We will talk about astronauts. We will play a game where we identify the letter Aa among other letters. We will continue to work on writing our names, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and identifying numbers. Our astronaut craft is out of this world! We will also review our alphabet phonics. Please remind your child to bring a show and tell item to share.

September 12th, 14th or 13th, 15th: Bb is for baker! The number focus this week is 4 and our shape focus will be a square. We will be making an edible craft. For science we will talk about yeast and its active properties. We will also talk about bees and play a number recognition game using bee pictures. We will play a running game called bee, bee, honey. We will continue to work on our name recognition and early reading skills. Please remind your child to bring a show and tell item to share.

September 19th, 21st or 2oth, 22nd: The letter Cc is our focus. The number focus will be 5 and the shape focus will be a pentagon. We will talk about "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and the food pyramid. We will talk about what food is good for our bodies. We will act out the hungry Caterpillar. We will work on our adding skills using the food that the caterpillar ate. We will make caterpillar necklaces for our craft! We will also talk about chicks and chickens and how when we learn new skills we are becoming big like our parents. Please remind your child to bring a show and tell item to share.

September 26th, 28th or 27th, 29th: The letter of the week is Dd. The focus number is 6 and the focus shape is a hexagon. We will talk about desert animals, what lives in the desert and how they adapt to their surroundings. We will talk about the tortoise and the hare and what that fable means. We are going to figure out how to help the tortoise get through a maze. We will paint tortoises for our craft. Please remind your child to bring a show and tell item to share.