

Sunday, April 29, 2012

May Curriculum


April 30-May 3
The Letter of the week is Y. We will talk about yarn and how it is made. We will make a craft with yarn. We will review all our material and prepare for our end of the year performance.
May 7-10
The Letter of the week is Z. We will talk about zoo animals, in particular, zebras. We will also play games using a zig-zag pattern. We will continue to work on recognizing written numbers and identifying patterns.
May 14-17
This week we will discuss water and sun safety.  For the first day of class have your child bring clothes that can get wet and a change of clothes.
We will discuss the importance of sun screen, we will do a science experiment that will prove the importance of protecting our skin. For water safety will discuss the rules of swimming pools. 
May 21-24
Alphabet review! We made it through the alphabet and we will ride the alphabet train, toot toot! We will review counting to 30, the shape names and reading and singing color words. We will review the phonics of the alphabet letters, signing and saying the pledge, the days of the week, the months of the year, reading their class mates names and much, much, more!

***The second class of the week will be held during the evening. Parents, siblings and friends are invited to our end of the year performance. The performance will be at 6:30 followed by refreshments and a KKP souvenir.

A note about next year: I have two openings left in my Monday/Wednesday class, and a few left in my Tuesday/Thursday class. Thank you for spreading the word about Kokopelli Kids Preschool!