

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April Curriculum

April (2nd, 4th) or (3rd, no school on Thursday the 5th)
Spring is here! We will work on our hand eye coordination with our funny ducky craft. We will talk about the signs of spring and read “Duck for President.” We will highlight our new color of the month orange, our last color song to memorize. We will use eggs to help us work on our counting.

April (no school on Monday the 9th, 11th) or (10th, 12)
We will continue or spring segment with a focus on the life cycle of various animals. Writing our numbers will the main focus this week. Our highlight song will be “Up, up in the sky.”

April (16th, 18th) or (17th , 19th)
We are back to highlighting an alphabet letter. The letter of the week is W. We will talk about walruses and water. We will discuss the science behind the water cycle, with predictions and experiments.

April (23rd , 25th ) or (24th , 26th )
Our letter of the week is X. We will talk about Xylophones of course! An emphasis will be on musical instruments. The children will have the opportunity to play various instruments as well as listen to many different types of music. We will be dancing up a storm!
April (30th , May 2nd) or (May 1st ,May 3rd )
The Letter of the week is Y. We will talk about yarn and how it is made. We will be making a craft with yarn. We will be reviewing all our material and preparing for graduation, information to come!