

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Curriculum

The fourth month of the new year already!Time is flying by and we are having so much fun. It is great to see how each of the children can read their friends names, their letter recognition has greatly improved.

April 5th and 7th: The letter of the week is V. We will discuss Volcanoes and of course we will have to simulate an eruption! We will talk about the science behind the chemical reaction and how it gives the appearance of the physical reaction of a volcano eruption. Each student will paint a mini volcano to take home. We will continue to work on counting to thirty. We will also work on our number recognition and adding small numbers, using tally counting.

April 12 and 14th: The letter of the week is W. We will discuss water and wind. Rhyming will also be a focus this week. We will discuss the water cycle; evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. The students will see a demonstration on evaporation.We will have more opportunities to use scissors, to develop our hand eye coordination and motor skills. For our craft students will make wind socks.

April 19th No school on the 21st Easter Break We will talk about Spring and review the plant life cycle. We will have an Easter egg hunt that will help us visualize our fact families, using addition and subtraction sentences. We will have an edible Easter craft.

April 26 and 28th. The letter of the week is X. This week is all about music. The genre's of music the different rhythms, beats and instruments. We will dance, sing and clap to the many different sounds we will hear. Each child will play the xylophone. We will make a paper xylophone to practice our hand eye coordination, this craft will also hep us practice sizing and counting. For our science segment we will make a water xylophone and discuss the low and high notes. We will go on a musical instrument hunt.