

Thursday, April 28, 2011

May Curriculum

· May 3rd and 5th The letter of the week is Y. We will discuss what yarn is, where it comes from and how it is made. Our craft will also involve yarn. We will continue to tally count to help the children conceptualize the meaning of numbers.

· May 10th and 12th The letter of the week is Z. We will learn all about zoo animals. We will talk about how zoo animals are cared for and that they are cared for by zoologists. The children will even go on a safari!

· May 17th (No school on the 19th Mrs. Lesley will be out of town) Alphabet review! We will have many different games reinforcing our knowledge of the alphabet. We will review counting to 30, shape recognition, colors recognition, days of the week, months of the year, rhyming and so forth.

· May 24th Summer fun, how to play safe in the sun. We will have a science experiment that will prove the importance of sunscreen. We will talk about water safety and what to do around pools. On Tuesday please have your child prepared to get wet and have them bring a towel.

· May 26 6:30pm awards ceremony at KKP . The students will show a short presentation of the things they have learned to their family and friends. We will have snow cones and a preschool souvenir.

· There are a couple of openings left in my Monday /Wednesday class. I appreciate all referrals and will take $10.00 off the first month for each registered referral. Thanks for helping spread the word about Kokopelli Kids preschool!