

Monday, June 20, 2011

Important Dates for the 2011-2012 School Year

Kokopelli Kids Preschool's first day for the Monday/Wednesday class is August 15th (same first day as TUSD). The Tuesday/Thursday class starts August 16th. Tuition is half off ($40.00) in August since it starts in the middle of the month.

If you have already registered, your child will receive a postcard in the mail inviting them to a Preschool Open House. The Monday/Wednesday class will have their open house on Wednesday August 10th. The Tuesday/Thurday class, will have their open house on Thursday August 11th. At the open house your child will become acquainted with the preschool facilities, meet their teacher and do a fun craft! More information will be sent in the mail, at the end of July :)

The Tuesday/Thursday class is full. There are several openings left in the Monday/ Wednesday class, please feel free to tell your friends!

I can't wait to see all the kids and am excited to introduce some new books, reading/phonics songs and counting techniques! Please feel free to email/call with any questions :)