

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Greetings all, I am excited to introduce the registration packet for the 2012-2013 Kokopelli Kids Preschool (KKP) school year. I will be offering two classes.

 The Monday/Wednesday class will be formatted for children who are 3 turning 4. Specifically this class is for children who have more than 1 year until they attend kindergarten. This class will focus on fundamentals, socialization and independence.

The Tuesday/Thursday class will be formatted for children who are 4 turning 5. This class is designed for children who will attend  kindergarten.the following year. This class will delve deeper into kindergarten readiness, attention, and retention.

Each class will be 2 ½ hours and will meet twice a week. The classes will be $80.00 a month (parents who pay a semester in advance will receive $5.00 off each month, also siblings get $5.00 off each student). Students must be at least 3 years old.            
                                         Monday/Wednesday class           9:30-12:00 am.
                                         Tuesday/Thursday class               9:30-12:00 am.
KKP follows the TUSD calendar..  If there is no school for TUSD there is no school for KKP.  We will still have school on Teacher Conference days.

There is a non-refundable $25.00 registration fee. Registration is complete when 1) the forms are filled out 2) forms are returned 3) the fee is paid. This will solidify your child’s placement in next year’s preschool.

Thank you for sharing your children with me! I love this age and find myself smiling with how bright the children are. I love to see how they express their new knowledge.

*Send me an email with your address and your child's name, and I will send you a registration packet. :)

** Any registered student who refers another student who registers gets $10.00 off the first month, no limit, thank you for your help in spreading the word!!