

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March Curriculumn

March (5,7) or (6,8) The letter of the week is T. The first class day we will talk about turtles and desert tortoise, we will learn about their habitats and their diets and we will compare them with our habitats and our diets.We will sing "I have a tiny turtle" and continue on our sight reading skills. On the second day of class we will talk about teddy bears, your child is invited to bring a teddy bear from home. We will focus on our counting skills and addition problems.

March (12,14) or (13,15) This week is a theme week, our theme is cultures. We will discuss cultures from around the world, their differences and similarities. For snack time we will have the opportunity to try some different foods from different countries. We will also talk about the fun myth of leprechauns and St. Patrick's day.

March (19, 21) or (20,22) The letter of the week is U. We will do spacial activities with umbrellas to discuss  up and down, as well as, under and over. We will read "Hop on Pop" by Dr, Seuss to further explore these spacial concepts.

March (26, 28) or (27,29) The letter of the week is V. We will talk about Volcanoes of course! Our craft will be exploding with fun! We will discuss the topagrahy of the earth and southern Arizona's unique landscape.

* Registration packets for the next school year are available. If you have a current student who will be returning to KKP please come and see me. If you are new to KKP please email me your address and I will send out a packet.